06 agosto 2006

Going Back to School

I'm mad at myself. For letting other people treat me like crap. I don't deserve that, and I'm pretty aware of that. I just wanna be so much things, I wanna be an example but I fear I may never get there. Wanna learn things, and have time to do them, but not the permission. I'm being my worst enemy, stopping myself from what I want and love. Just wanting to be normal, is that too much to ask for?

I hate going back to school, maybe because I have lots of goals and neither of them I have made. Dunno, is a hard experience...my last year.

Don't wanna say good bye or see you soon, I'm not feeling well right now. Take care^^

1 comentario:

Alma dijo...

A veces las joyas están ocultas tras algún turbio velo, solo hay que levantarlo para verlas en todo su esplendor. Usa a tu enemigo en tu favor, un poco de sacrificio ¿quizás?,lo importante es no ser "la quieta orilla, sino el mar tumultuoso".